Company - Syrinx Enterprises Limited

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The Company
Syrinx was incorporated in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 2001. We are an enterprise that has extensive experience in the many facets of the Oil and Gas industry as well as in software programming. We draw from our experience and our contribution in:

  • working within offices of Owner companies executing design, performing project management, and getting involved with operations;
  • executing projects within the EPCM framework with multi-discipline design as well as project management and project engineering;
  • functioning in the role as facilitators and on-site service providers for Owner companies performing the duties involved with maintenance, construction, and start-up.

Our people are contracted to fulfill specific roles in organizations and on projects where challenges exist in being able to satisfy those roles. Syrinx has embraced new technologies and new processes and thrives on managing change in the Oil and Gas industry particularly in regards to the execution of projects in the EPCM environment. Our ability to understand scope and what makes a project successful enhances the moral and the performance of the members and stakeholders involved with the project. The more complex projects where our contribution has been realized often implement comprehensive corporate solutions to improve performance and financial results.

We always maintain the importance of budgeting and interaction between various stakeholders when executing projects with discrepancies and do so in an effcient and effective manner.
Our goal is to optimize business solutions, execute processes, and align strategies with customers in order to deliver positive returns to stakeholders.
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